Life as a Leather sourcing manager in a footwear factory can be really tough

But worry not, with our end-to-end production management system, you can source reliable leather manufacturers and procure leather from them transparently and effortlessly in a streamlined and simplified process.

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Current Process

As a Leather sourcing manager

A lot of time and money is wasted because of a lack of transparency and inefficiency

Difficulty in finding a supplier

Call/Email multiple suppliers and wait for their response

No Transparency

Leather Manufacturers lie to you about the order status and you agree to them

Constant Follow-ups

Even after placing the order you need to constantly follow-up

Loss of Time & Money

You spend a lot of time in follow-ups than focusing on your side of work

But, You no longer have to worry


Global Leather Sourcing & Procurement platform

Using our Production Management System, your life as a leather sourcing manager becomes easy


Supplier Discovery

Find reliable supplier from a network of verified and quality Indian MSME leather manufacturers


RFQ Submission and Multiple Quote Comparison

Easily send Requests for Quotation (RFQ) and receive quotes from multiple suppliers for efficient price comparison.


Sample Request Management

Streamline the process of requesting samples from multiple suppliers, facilitating better decision-making


Production Management System

From Order management to Production tracking, Documents, payments, chat with supplier, all in one centralized platform 

Benefits of integrating technology into your leather sourcing process

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Peace of Mind

Eliminate the stress of manual processes and enjoy a hassle-free sourcing experience

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Competitive Advantage

Stay ahead in the market by leveraging technology for efficient sourcing and procurement

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Time and Cost Savings

Reduce procurement time and costs by automating processes and optimizing workflows

Explore the Future

Are you ready to revolutionize your leather sourcing and procurement experience?

Book a demo now or directly talk to our founder to know more. Let's embark on a journey towards a seamless future of leather sourcing together!

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